Hot Tub accessories

How often should water be changed in a hydromassage pool

There is no universal answer to this question, as water quality depends on several factors. Firstly, the quality of the water used may vary in different regions. Secondly, the frequency of use of the hydromassage pool also affects the water quality.

Are you using water from the tap or from a well

How much iron is in your water

Do you use a filtration system

What is the ambient temperature

And, of course,...

pic 1 corrosion of hot tub stoves

Corrosion of aluminium and stainless steel hot tub stoves

The corrosion resistance of aluminium water heating stoves The corrosion resistance of stainless steel water heating stoves Manufacturers usually produce wood-burning stoves for hot tubs made of aluminium alloys or stainless steel. This tendency can be explained by the fact that these materials have good anti-corrosion properties and are resistant to high temperatures. Letโ€™s consider the anti-corrosion properties of these metals in fresh and saltwater. There...

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Hot Tub Water Care – Chemistry Guide

The environment influences water conditions in a Wood-fired Hot Tub.ย  There are three types of pollution: Physical pollution. It can include trash brought by the wind (sand, flower pollen, leaves) or things appearing due to bathing (skin particles, hair, cosmetics) Biological pollution. Raw water is often subject to โ€œbloomingโ€, that is, some blue-green algae appear. Chemical pollution. A plenty of rainwater can influence the pH-balance of water in a Wood-fired Hot Tub and make it too acid. After you fill your Wood-fired Hot Tub...

pic heater for Hot Tub Baltresto test

Testing the rate of heating 1400 liters of water with 2 heaters 27kW and 35kW

We are testing 2 popular models of heaters for Hot Tub: 1. Aluminum heater 27kW It is a more compact, cheaper and less efficient model. It also lacks the possibility of regulating the air flow supply into the furnace combustion chamber. There is a cast iron ashpit grate on a steel frame in the furnace, and its upper part has a retractable steel partition providing a more effective fuel combustion. The furnace door is made of aluminum and has several holes in...


How to keep water warm in the Wood-fired Hot Tub?

In this article we will give answers to very important questions related to maintenance of water temperature as well as saving energy and time on water heating. Depending on your needs and wishes, you can easily choose a bath, its size, shape and necessary accessories, such as hydro, whirlpool massage or LED lighting. But as for keeping water warm and saving energy, our customers usually have no clear ideas on what exactly they want. During frosty periods the main requirement for...

pic the best hot tub accessories

Wood-burning Hot Tub Accessories or 15 Must Have Accessories for Wood Fired Hot Tubs

Your hot tub is a place where you can relax, enjoy health benefits of the Hot Tub and spend a time with your family and friends. So, youโ€™ve got the hot tub, your water is balanced and a bit warm, but somethingโ€™s missing. Might be you donโ€™t understand what is missing, but you know you need something to complete your hot tub experience. The right idea, you can improve your soaking in the Hot Tub and create your own...

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