
pH Plus 1kg

Original price was: 22 €.Current price is: 20 €.

  • A product to raise рН in a wood-fired Hot tub
  • You need 100 g of pH plus per 10 000 l wood-fired hot tub to raise pH by 0.2
  • Pour some pure water into a plastic container and dissolve the necessary amount of pH plus there
  • Pour the solution along the edge of the wood-fired hot tub into the water until the centrifugal pump is working
  • Never mix pH plus with any other chemical substances!

If pH is lower than 7.0, water can aggressively influence metal elements of your wood-fired hot tub. We recommend to use PH-Plus granulate to raise water pH in the wood-fired hot tub.

1 kg of PH-plus granules is delivered in a functional plastic container with a convenient lid.