SpaCare SunWac 2, 1L


SunWac 2 is used for a total disinfection of the hidden pipes and pump systems in the hot tub and fiberglass liner to avoid the risk of disease transmissions. You should take precautions when desinfecting and cleaning the whole of the wood-fired hot tub with a fiberglass liner.

NOTE! Do not bathe in the water when SpaCare SunWac 2 has been added to it.

Instructions for use: Mix 100ml of SunWac 2 with 200l of existing water in your wood-fired hot tub with fiberglass liner (there is no need to change the water for a fresh one when cleaning with this product). Turn the bubble/hydro system on and let it circulate the water in the hot tub for approximately 5 minutes before draining the water out. Then rinse the hot tub’s liner thoroughly using the fresh clean water.