How to protect barrel sauna from mold. Internal treatment
Here are some major points that need to be considered before buying any protective agent for outdoor sauna treatment:
- Type of treatment: external surfaces or internal parts of a barrel sauna
- Type of the surface: floor, ceiling, benches or entire sauna
- Is any additional treatment planned for decorative purposes
- Whether application of the chosen agent is easy and convenient enough
Protective agents have specific composition for different kinds of treatment. Such division is absolutely necessary, as it not only allows protecting the surfaces from negative factors but also eliminates the chance to harm human’s health.
Based on their effects, impregnation agents can be divided into two groups:
1. Oil- and wax based materials for barrel sauna treatment
Impregnation agents based on wax and oil tend to compact the structure of the material. They have an exceptional ability to penetrate deeply into the wood, leaving a thin film on its surface. The wood treated with oil acquires good decorative qualities and additional protection from dirt and water. Most of such agents impregnate easily and can be used as colourless primers.
Oil based agents frequently have an unpleasant smell due to the presence of solvent in their composition. For this reason, it is highly recommended to study the description of the product before using it indoors.
In order to protect the internal surfaces of a barrel sauna, Baltresto recommends the following agents:
Supi Saunapesu – the solution to clean and prepare wood surfaces before the protective treatment application or as part of a regular cleaning regime of wood surfaces. Supi Saunapesu is a Cleaning Agent disinfects without chlorine and effectively dissolves lime scale deposits, you can use it for effective cleaning. The acidic cleaning agent is suitable for the cleaning of wood, metal and tile surfaces in the barrel sauna and other wet areas.

Supi Saunavaha – natural protective agent that contains wax. Widely used for the treatment of wooden surfaces in saunas: ceilings, benches, walls, door and window frames. The wax is absorbed into the wood, giving it natural protection. Baltresto offers a colourless shade of Supi Sauna Wax, which keeps the natural colour of the wood and does not enhance it like oil. Make sure to heat up and properly ventilate a sauna before applying the wax.

Supi Lattiaöljy – water-soluble wood oil based on natural oils. Baltresto recommends using this oil to treat wooden floors and grids in saunas. This agent is suitable for untreated, oil-treated and thermally treated wood. Major advantages of the oil are the following:
1. Easy application
2. Quick drying
3. One layer of the oil is usually sufficient
4. Protects wood from moisture and dirt
5. Slows down the cracking of wood

2. Water-soluble impregnation agents for Outdoor Sauna
Main distinctive feature of water-soluble impregnation agents is their base. Such agents are based on acryl. Due to the fact that acryl does not have any colour or smell, these agents are ideal for treatment of the internal surfaces. This option is also good for those who prefer preserving natural wood pattern.
As a general rule, a water-soluble impregnation agent needs to be covered with some varnish to fixate the agent and prevent it from washing out. Another option is to use a combined agent, for example, an acrylic lacquer.
Some general recommendations on wood treatment:

Minimal frequency of protective wood treatment for outdoor saunas is once a year. End of summer or beginning of autumn are optimal for conducting this procedure. Spring movement of tree sap provokes the formation of rot, and timely preparation of the material for a thaw will help preserve the integrity of the structure.
The wood is released from the old layers of paint or varnish, carefully grinded and cleaned from dust before applying a protective agent. The agent is applied with a roller or wide soft brush, paying special attention to the ends of the boards. Some dye can be added to the impregnation agent in order to add some shade to the protective coating.
Air humidity around the treated sauna must not exceed 80%, while air and surface temperature must be not less than +5°С.
Make sure to choose a proper agent that is designed specially for wood and strictly adhere to the dosage and safety rules in order not to harm yourself and burn the skin. Remember to ventilate and dry your barrel sauna after each treatment. Sauna can only be used after it has completely dried.
While choosing the impregnation agent, keep in mind that temperature conditions in different sauna parts are not the same, which means that the requirements for the functionality of the materials may also differ. For example, floor impregnation must not make it slippery. Tabletops and benches should be treated with products intended for regular wet cleaning. There are some impregnation agents for the benches that can completely penetrate into the structure of the wood and prevent the formation of burns on the body at high temperatures!
Careful choice and proper application of impregnation agents will preserve the pure beauty of natural wood for a long time and prolong the life time of your outdoor sauna. The necessary information can be found in the instructions for the protective agents, so read them carefully, compare the data and make your choice!