The Best Protective Stain for Saunas: Remmers, Osmo or Pinotex
How to protect the Sauna from Mold, Fungi and Decay
Wood is a traditional material that is used in sauna manufacture. You need to properly care for the wooden sauna, in order to prevent the deterioration of its appearance and get only positive emotions from sauna procedures. How to protect the sauna from mold, fungi, decay, and odors? Use a preservative stain to protect the wooden frame of the sauna from harmful weather conditions. Stain is a paint that combines the best properties of varnish and impregnation, but at the same time does not overlap the texture of wood. Most stains do not form a film on the surface and therefore are not subject to peeling, cracking, and flaking. This product is often used as a facade finish on wood surfaces that are exposed to weathering. Wood preservative stain provides additional protection against external factors of the biosphere: ultraviolet, insects, blue stain fungi, moisture, and mold.
The Baltresto team did their own test of the stains. Learn more about test results below.
Testing and Recommendations of Protective Stains from Baltresto
Pinotex base bpr + Pinotex extreme lasur (Teak)
Moisture-resistant oil-based stain with self-cleaning technology and first-class durability.

Osmo Holzschutz Öl-Lasur (703 Mahagoni Transparent)
Natural vegetable oil (sunflower). Iron oxide and organic pigments, titanium dioxide (white pigment).

Coating technique:
• do not apply the stain on a heated or cold wood surface,
• avoid direct sunlight and do not work in rainy weather,
• clean and sand the walls,
• apply the second layer after complete drying of the previous one,
• it is obligatory to apply the stain taking into account the recommended consumption of material.
Test conditions:
• the samples were installed on the sunny side along a high wall, which significantly increased the amount of precipitation that hit the samples;
• samples of Remmers, Pinotex, Osmo were used for single-layer coating.
Samples of the same brands participated in the experiment with double-layer coating. The results were analyzed one year after the start of the experiment.
Single layer result
None of the stain manufacturers has succeeded in the single-layer coating test.

Double layer result
Coating in two layers proved to be more effective. The best results were shown by Remmers and Osmo.

Remmers and Osmo won in rather extreme conditions. We recommend applying the stain in two layers for maximum protection of the sauna. It is also important to consider the application technique and wood preparation, described above. As needed, the stain has to be updated. You can buy Remmers protective stain on our website.